Monday, August 16, 2010

Jerry Brown spokesman mocks voters concerned about double-dipping politicans

If you are like most taxpayers and are tired of politicians get rich off government pensions, Jerry Brown campaign spokesman Sterling Clifford wants to serve you a crap sandwich. 

When reporter Brian Joseph from the OC Register was uncovering the story that Jerry Brown had double dipped while mayor of Oakland, and asked Sterling Clifford for comment, Clifford fired off an email including this sendoff:
“And of course if you are worried about paying out Jerry’s pension, the best thing to do is elect him Governor so he doesn’t collect it.”
Got that?  If you don't like Brown double dipping, then elect him governor.  Which is like saying if you don't like me hitting you in the head with a hammer, then ask me to hit you in the head with a wrench.

Take consolation -  voters get a chance to express their opinion on Brown's double dipping -- and Clifford's arrogance -- in November.


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