Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jerry Brown says he wants illegal immigrant students at UCLA - update: video added

This post has been updated, scroll down for the updates.

Jerry Brown told thousands of cheering college students at UCLA he wants students at UCLA whether they're illegal immigrants or not.

That is not going to go over well with California taxpayers who subsidize a UCLA education at a cost of who knows how many millions a year.

Update: AP reporter Juliet Williams was there and caught Brown's quote:
Brown also sought to appeal to the young crowd in a brief speech...

"We have enough wealth to continue to have a great university and get every kid in this school that can qualify. And when I say every young man and young woman, I mean everyone, whether they're documented or not: if they went to school, they ought to be here," Brown said to loud cheers.

Update #2:  Just checked the LA Times piece on Brown and Clinton at UCLA; nothing in the report on Brown's comments about allowing illegal immigrants into UCLA.  (One of the LA Tmes reporters was Jerry Brown booster Seema Mehta.)  Have not been able to find any mentions in the reports by CNN or any other outlets, either.

Update #3:  Here is the video:

This is grotesquely unfair to Californians who are here legally and pay taxes to keep the UC system going.  Can the Whitman campaign capitalize on Brown's recklessness?

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